About Us

North Boston Volunteer Fire Company is located in the Northern section of the Town of Boston, NY neighboring the Towns of Hamburg, Eden, Orchard Park, Colden, Concord and North Collins. North Boston Volunteer Fire Company is comprised of all volunteer members that are alerted via Motorola tone/voice pagers the company issues to each member in the event of an emergency. The Town of Hamburg Public Safety Dispatch Center (Hamburg Fire Control) dispatches the local volunteer fire companies from their facility located at 6100 South Park Ave in Hamburg, New York. Utilizing Enhanced 911 and Emergency Medical Dispatch, the highly trained dispatchers alert the volunteers, provide location and nature of the incidents. While Fire/Police/EMS units are responding, the dispatchers provide the callers with emergency instructions to carry out to assist in stabilizing the situation until emergency responders are on scene.
Once dispatched, members report to the fire station to staff the equipment, while chiefs respond in their personal vehicles to the scene of the emergency.
General meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 7:30pm. Drills are held the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7:00pm.